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Myself and Tavia Darkrose after an alliance with the Lightunters. |
Location: Visitor's Lounge, Hunter's Mansion, Downtown Millennium City, Champions Universe.
Clericus Priest: Angel, Dean. Thank you for coming.
Clericus Priest: Please, have a seat.
Dean Mason: *nods*
Angel Dawes: Thanks Pious.
Angel Dawes: *hops into one of the egg-shaped chairs*
Gadan: Hello
Dean Mason: Hello
Angel Dawes: Hi there..
Clericus Priest: Angel, Dean, Mary, meet my very good friend Gadan.
Angel Dawes: We've met I think
Gadan: Yes we did
Mary Stevens: *nods hello*
Clericus Priest: Ladies and Gentlemen, this is a serious crisis meeting.
Dean Mason: A crisis?
Clericus Priest: I have called you three here because outside of the Ultimate Guardians, you three are my closest allies.
Clericus Priest: Yes.
Dean Mason: Please, continue
Clericus Priest: I have been tracking a demon by the name of Adramelech who I believe has been growing stronger and increasing his hold on our reality, trying to access our world through the minds of children.
Clericus Priest: Seems that's something of a trend these days.
Dean Mason: *Frowns*
Clericus Priest: Adramelech has strong dominion over the Vampyri *momentarily seems conscious of Angel*
Clericus Priest: So together with a fellow Guardian, I infiltrated a vampire den and uncovered a demonic cell known as The New Dawn.
Clericus Priest: During the raid on the vampires, I met *nods to Mary* a friend.
Clericus Priest: Mary?
Gadan: *excuses herself*
Mary Stevens: *greets the gathered with a gentle nod*
Dean Mason: *nods back*
Angel Dawes: *looks over at Mary*
Mary Stevens: I am Sister Mary Stevens, co-leader of the Lighthunters, a branch of the supreme S.L.A.Y.E.R.S society.
Dean Mason: S.L.A.Y.E.R.S?
Mary Stevens: Supreme Legendary Alliance of Yieldless and Enlightened Righteous Slayers.
Dean Mason: I see
Angel Dawes: *blinks*
Mary Stevens: We oversee the galactic and cross-dimensional anti-demon movement.
Mary Stevens: Purifying the multiverse one poor soul at a time.
Dean Mason: Hm..
Clericus Priest: Angel, it seems The Lighthunters are this world's equivalent of our Nighthunters.
Clericus Priest: Only they seem more... connected with the universe.
Angel Dawes: Oh..
Clericus Priest: The Lighthunters have a prophecy.
Angel Dawes: What’s the prophecy?
Clericus Priest: They have been awaiting the arrival of a leader. One they call the Angelspawn. When Mary saw me, she sort of identified me as this Angelspawn. A title that I am in fact familiar with.
Clericus Priest: Of course, I agreed to the role.
Angel Dawes: Evangellelli, or however you say it?
Angel Dawes: *scratches her head*
Clericus Priest: Elli, yes. Elliangellelli, my angelic name, of sorts. So, as of today, I am the new Leader of the Lighthunters and by extension, diplomatic interdimensional senator on the supreme SLAYERS society.
Mary Stevens: Trouble is, myself and one other are all that remain of the Lighthunters. The team were engaged and killed recently during the Daemonic War of the underworld, six weeks ago.
Mary Stevens: Your arrival, Lord Pious, was a little too late.
Angel Dawes: *looks blankly over at Mary*
Angel Dawes: Lord?
Dean Mason: Lord Pious?
Mary Stevens: Well yes, he the Angelspawn, saviour of the Eastern Cosmos.
Clericus Priest: Okay, let's not get ahead of ourselves.
Dean Mason: *looks at Pious*
Angel Dawes: Just Pious...
Angel Dawes: Lord sounds so...uhh...fancy
Clericus Priest: *nods in agreement* Yeah, I'm... I'm just Pious.
Clericus Priest: What we need, are new members to ally with the Lighthunters.
Angel Dawes: Count me in..
Dean Mason: Same here
Clericus Priest: Excellent.
Mary Stevens: There are two things you need to do to be a Lighthunter.
Dean Mason: I will have to hand in my ring along with a letter of resignation to the school
Clericus Priest: *nods* Understood.
Dean Mason: *looks to Mary* What things must we do?
Clericus Priest: What will you tell the school? That you are leaving for the Underworld to join a resistance faction, the Lighthunters, in stopping a Daemonic uprising?
Dean Mason: I doubt that they will believe that
Angel Dawes: Just say you got offered a new job?
Dean Mason: I will come up with something, don’t worry
Angel Dawes: I'm not worried *smiles*
Dean Mason: *smiles*
Mary Stevens: You need to undergo the Rite of Enlightenment and prove yourself good of heart, clean or pure enough to don the Lighthunter's Belt.
Angel Dawes: Oh, sort of like the Nighthunter amulet test
Angel Dawes: *looks questioningly over at Pious*
Clericus Priest: Hmm, yes.
Dean Mason: *Smiles to Angel*
Angel Dawes: *looks down at her hands*
Dean Mason: I think you should tell him
Mary Stevens: *hands the two a Lighthunter's Belt* It's wearable anywhere on the body -- human, beast, spirit or other. The magic within the globe will ascertain the moral alignment of your heart and soul.
Mary Stevens: It can see through your true intentions and reflects this with dim light, bright light or darkness.
Angel Dawes: *looks over at the belt*
Mary Stevens: Put it on and let the magic do it's job.
Clericus Priest: *Watches closely*
Mary Stevens: *watches their lights closely*
[Tell] Angel Dawes: How will the belt react to slumbering vampirism?))
To Angel Dawes: ((What you -are- is not the issue, it judges -who- you are.
To Angel Dawes: ((A good vampire is better than a bad man.
[Tell] Angel Dawes: ((Alrighty then))
Dean Mason: *puts on the belt, causing it's globe to shine brightly*
Clericus Priest: *smiles proudly*
Angel Dawes: *takes the belt off the table and straps it around her leg, the orb shines brightly*
Clericus Priest: *smiles even more proud*
Dean Mason: *takes it off and puts it’s around his arm instead*
Mary Stevens: Perfect.
Angel Dawes: *exhales in relief as she watches the glowing orb*
Dean Mason: *Smiles at Angel*
Mary Stevens: Secondly, you have to look the part. The Lighthunter's Gi is mystical armour with protective and healing properties. It is tailored to instil fear and trepidation in the enemy. Wear it proudly. *gestures to the wardrobe in the hallway*
Mary Stevens: And choose stylishly.
Angel Dawes: Up there?
Mary Stevens: *nods*
Angel Dawes: Okay then
Mary Stevens: Thank you, Pious.
Clericus Priest: No, thank you Sister Mary -- for all your work.
Dean Mason: *smiles at Angel*
Angel Dawes: This actually reminds me of the Nighthunter uniform.
Dean Mason: You look good in it
Angel Dawes: *smirks* Thanks, you too
Dean Mason: *smirks and tips his hat at her*
Angel Dawes: *chuckles*
Clericus Priest: Wow, you two look amazing.
Dean Mason: Thank you Pious
Mary Stevens: Well chosen.
Angel Dawes: Thanks...
Angel Dawes: *draws an arrow and looks at it* These needs replacing though..
Dean Mason: *inspects the gun in his holster* Hm... I will have to replace this with my own
Mary Stevens: As per tradition, we will meet every Wednesday at Nightfall to plot and strike at those who dare to go 'bump' in the night or operate against the light. We will start next week. Is this agreeable?
Dean Mason: *nods* It is
Angel Dawes: You can count on me.
Clericus Priest: It is doable.
Mary Stevens: It is decided then.
Mary Stevens: Dean, Angel, Pious. Until next time, meeting adjourned.
Clericus Priest: *smiles a little*
Clericus Priest: Thank you Sister Mary.
Dean Mason: Thank you
Mary Stevens: *leaves the Mansion*
Angel Dawes: *nods at Mary*
Clericus Priest: Well, that went well.
Angel Dawes: *adjusts the orb belt a little*
Angel Dawes: Indeed
Dean Mason: *smiles*
Clericus Priest: On any other day of the week, we will likely be working above ground, with my allies of the Ultimate Guardians.
Dean Mason: I see
Clericus Priest: We shall act as a coalition.
Angel Dawes: *adjusts Dean's uniform a little*
Clericus Priest: There are some things a small team cannot accomplish without outside aide.
Dean Mason: *smiles to Angel*
Clericus Priest: See you again next week? In all your dashing uniformed glory. *smiles*
Dean Mason: *Takes off his hat and puts it on Angel's head*
Angel Dawes: *chuckles lightly*
Dean Mason: Of course
Angel Dawes: Will do pardner *draws an air pistol and blows at the "tip"*
Dean Mason: *chuckles*
Clericus Priest: Alright. You're welcomed to stay in my Mansion lounge for a little while longer. Enjoy the skylight.
Dean Mason: *looks to Angel* What do you say?
Angel Dawes: Oh, I was thinking of getting this EHA business sorted out actually
Dean Mason: Hm... A good idea
Clericus Priest: Alright. Let me know as soon as you do.
Angel Dawes: I will Pious
Dean Mason: *nods*
Angel Dawes: Thanks
Angel Dawes: *gives him a hug before she heads for the door*^
Clericus Priest: Just put me in thought, the belt lets you communicate through the mind.
Dean Mason: It will be an honour to join the Lighthunters.
Clericus Priest: *hugs Angel tightly*
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