Sunday, 3 July 2011

Spiritus Sancti

Spiritus Sancti, a set on Flickr. Images captured by Millennium City News Photographer Ryan Santana.

I emigrated from Paragon City and the cluster of worlds known as the Unionverse some weeks ago on what I expect will be a long journey to seek out my greater purpose as an Angelspawn. That is a word for one who is born of woman but formed by cosmic celestial beings of energy and light, formed by an angel. My travels lead me to return to Millennium City, here in what I've coined the Champion Universe, a shattered plane of mirrored dimensions where the Qliphothic realms pose the greatest threat to the world of mortal man.

The global anti-supervillain police force known as UNTIL, introduced me to their Operation Demonflame headed by French operative Major Violette Boudreau where I was fortunate to meet a kindred soul and fellow warrior in Knighthood called Red Lancelot. He and I were largely oblivious to the military's plans of attack and worked closely instead with Witchcraft to utterly lay waste to the demonic realm. After she had successfully bound a chaos demon to our service, Red and I proceeded to unbind the avatars of the so-called Kings of Edom, overpower the Master of All Sorrows, the Muse of Lethargy and Despair, the Queen Beyond the Pale and the King of Lost Hope. In the end, we came face to face with the megalomaniacal warlock Luther Black who coveted the dark cosmic powers of the demonic Edomite gods. It was a challenging ordeal but Lancelot and I came through and saved the day. Black was imprisoned by the demon gods themselves, left to perish in the very Hell he wanted to rule. That same night, Red and I forged a pact. A sworn oath to go wherever evil may be and smite the darkness with the radiant power of will. In servitude of those among us who are truly innocent and pure of spirit, we called this small team of armoured heroes Spiritus Sancti.

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