Tuesday 5 July 2011

Ego Choke

Ego Choke, a set on Flickr. Images captured by MC News Photographer Ryan Santana

More recently Gadan has successfully unlocked her untapped potential, accessing her telekinetic wave and ego hold powers. We took on the forces of PSI criminal mentalists and later exposed the multinational research corporation ARGENT Enterprises for connections with the criminal underworld, namely selling prison blueprints to imprisoned criminals. On another occasion we caught PSI attacking the ARGENT headquarters, accusing them of kidnapping young Adina Monroe a psychic-turn-hero who ARGENT researchers were exploiting for her abilities to reshape reality. I feared the similarities between Adina's ordeal and Gadan's history may have troubling effects but on all our missions she showed good poise, quick reaction and confident skill-work. Now I'm not sure if this is something worth noting, I'll certainly run it past Dean Isabella Ravencroft, but what may be cause for concern is her manic use of ego-based techniques, perhaps what was most worrying was the way in which she used it and how the power made her appear. But I know Gadan, she's a strong and confident girl with a generally positive outlook. Perhaps this sinister new power won't take a hold of her after all. I may just be over-reacting so, for now, I will just keep an eye on her academic progress and character development.

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